Manifestation! Everyone can manifest what he or she wants in his or her lives. Here are some tips on how to manifest. We will explore how to manifest any desire in your life and we will show how we are always manifesting. Our minds are quite powerful and we can wield this power to make what we want our reality. The mind makes the course for how you will live and the heart has the deep yearning for what you must do.
Remember, we are a co-creator with the universe and if you believe we are part of the greater whole, then you choose what you are able to manifest. We only need to decide everything we want. Observe your thoughts and you will start to see how you are always manifesting. Your thoughts determine how you feel and your mood influences what you are thinking. We are always bringing into our lives what we desire most as well as what we do not want. This is determined by our focus and energy directed at something. Start by focusing on something you would like to witness, to experience or to know. Take a few moments to visualize what your desire and focus on it. Now, focus on this desire occurring now. Feel the emotions that accompany this desire. Visualize it as it is complete here and now. Notice any feelings and where you feel them in your body and how do you feel as you visualize this presently. Manifesting is seeing and feeling the future you want presently and then taking steps to make it a reality. There are two very powerful words when manifesting… “I AM.” Pretend you have what you want and what you are. Daydreaming, imagining, and pretending are all ways of manifesting. When you manifest something that is more complex or takes time, you may feel like giving up when it doesn’t happen but do not give up. As we age, we become distracted by what is not working and our problems and this can become our constant focus without realizing that this focus brings more of the same. A secret to manifesting is to focus on the outcome you most desire. Manifesting is co-creating something you do not see yet. When you become distracted and focus on what currently is and not what you desire, this is discouraging. However, continue to manifest what you want and move in the direction you want. Always be grateful and thankful for what you currently have and for what is coming to you. Set aside some alone time to practice manifesting by using your imagination and intentional focus. Take a few minutes a day, to stop and feel this desire wholly. Use I AM to make this your reality. Let yourself take in those feelings that arise. This is how you manifest most effectively. Be unwavering in what you want and hold this belief. Act as what you most desire is already here now. Practice stating what you want quietly and aloud to bring clarity into what you want. Be deliberate in your actions and live your life as if what you are asking for is already here. Take the action steps. Use your imagination and your willingness to live this way now is how to manifest it fully. Remember, you are able to manifest some desires instantly and that we are manifesting each moment. Each action begins as a thought, an idea or a desire. When you realize that we are always manifesting, it makes us more accountable to our thoughts and our actions. Everything is yours to decide. Align yourself with your desires by being clear about what you want and then taking deliberate action towards your wants. Your focus must be deliberate and steadfast as you take the steps towards accomplishing your desire. Co-creating with the universe may occur instantly or may take several weeks, months or years depending on certain factors. In order to have all the pieces in place for larger manifestation, you need to continue your focus and attention to it. Your job is to be ready, show up, be clear and flexible. Be bold in asking for your desire and do not settle for anything less. Practice your laser focus that will direct your want into your life. Co-create more deliberately and start manifesting your dream life. What do you fear? Does fear control your life? It can be uncomfortable and crippling. However, being fearless means knowing how to leverage your fear(s). Fear is part of your brain and run from the depths of your limbic system to your prefrontal cortex. When these networks are stimulated, they produce fear. Having fear is a normal brain function.
Each person responds to fear differently. It may cause an unpleasant experience that ranges from mild to paralyzing. Chronic stress, constant worry and daily insecurity may seriously harm your physical and mental health over time. Fear is part instinct, part learned and partly taught. Pain is instinctual because it useful in survival. We learn fear of certain people, places or situations because negative associations and experiences. Cultural norms are taught and often dictate whether something should be feared or not. Due to our efficient brains, we begin to fear a range of stimuli that are not necessarily scary or even present. We start to imagine what could happen and hence the fearful response. We create the fear in our minds and this objectless fear can turn into chronic anxiety about nothing specific, which in returns becomes debilitating. Your fear response becomes amplified when you’re already in a state of fear and even harmless events seem scary. Fear dictates the actions you take and these actions are divided into four types- freeze, fight, flight or fright. When you freeze, you stop what you are doing and focus on the fearful stimulus in deciding what to do next. Then you choose to either fight or flight. When the fear becomes overwhelming, you experience fright and you are cannot do anything. Being constantly in fright mode, may lead to hopelessness and depression. Everyone reacts differently to threats. Imagine threats cause paralysis and you fail to take any action. Real threats cause frenzy and you jump to action immediately. Learn to leverage your fear to use it to your benefit. When you know what you are scared of, it is easier to overcome your phobia. It gives you a point of reference and something real to focus on. Once you know what it is, then you can start to understand your fear. First, address your thoughts and attitudes about your fear and then combat your physical response. You can begin to repair your faulty thinking by discussing your fears with others. Next take action against your phobias by coming face-to-face with your fear. You can do this by spending time with someone who deals on a regular basis with what you fear. Once you can face someone else dealing with your face, then you can tackle it yourself little by little. Do not let your face paralyze your day-to-day routine. Start facing your fears and start living in the present. Mercury retrograde can cause things to feel out of order. It can bring confusion and complications to our everyday lives. Mercury retrograde occurs several times a year and it is Mercury speeding past Earth.
During this time, people are prone to taking things out of context and misconstruing messages. Mercury retrograde is all about communication but you will face some roadblocks. People should expect to hear some uncomfortable truths during this time. You will need to reevaluate facts to determine the truthfulness of it. Mercury retrograde brings much self-reflection on our actions and the actions of others. Many challenges that people face during this time are related to the fact that we are coming into Leo season and Leo is known to be a commanding and authoritative sign that tends to say things without thinking first. Leos are very prideful and when Mercury is in retrograde, people say things that come off as arrogant. There will be a lunar eclipse on July 16 and after Mercury retrograde transitions back into Cancer. You should reflect on your communication struggles from earlier in the retrograde. The eclipse on July 16th is about letting go of people who are not at our level, letting go of the past, the power struggles and the love triangles. Use the end of retrograde to make amends and to decide if it is even worth it. No more drama should be your mantra at this time. Count to three before responding to someone and let yourself cool off before you respond. In today’s fast paced communication, it is ok to take a pause before responding to anyone. Remember that we cannot control what other people do but we can give ourselves a moment to control how we react. Have you wanted to start reading Lenormand but do not know where to start? Well grab your deck and let’s start predicting.
First, formulate a question. Lenormand works best when you have a question because it means you have context and intention. Intention paves the way for the cards to provide a coherent message. Your question can be simple. Next, shuffle the cards. While shuffling, keep thinking of your question. Shuffle the cards anyway you want but keep repeating your question in your mind slowly. Keep shuffling until you are ready. After your deck is shuffled, lay the cards out. It is up to you whether to deal the cards out face up or face down. Once your three cards are down, it is time to interpret them. There are many ways to interpret a three card spread. One way is to have the center card be the focus and the other two augment that focus. This provides the most accurate reading. Each card has associated meanings and you can use these keywords to interpret your reading. Remember to come back to your question and the context. Lenormand cards reveal very immediate and literal things. Do not freak out if you get a negative card because it is probably something small for that day. Keep a journal to help you make more sense of the cards. Remember just be you and keep interpreting. Here are a few examples: THE QUESTION: What’s my day going to be like? House Garden Snake House = Home, Stability, Family Garden = Environment, Gathering, Social Scene Snake = Problems, Betrayal, Lies The middle card is your focus. So the day will revolve around your environment. Our home is our environment and there is a snake which reveals some type of trouble. There could be a disturbance at your house. Sun Letters Bouquet Sun = Happiness, Energy, Bring to Light Letters = Invitation/News Bouquet= Gift, Beauty, Happiness The letters are your focus so there is some type of news and since it is surrounded by the sun and bouquet, we know it’s positive. THE QUESTION: What’s my day going to be like? Scythe Book Man Scythe = Sudden Break, Divisive Book = Secret, Hidden Information Man = A Man (or querent if querent is a man) The book is our focus card meaning our day will involve some kind of hidden information or secret. We know that the secret will be revealed and the secret is most likely about a man. |